The most trusted guide to getting poetry published!
The 2014 Poet's Market includes hundreds of publishing opportunities specifically for poets, including listings for book/chapbook publishers, poetry publications, contests, and more. These listings include contact information, submission preferences, insider tips on what specific editors want, and—when offered—payment information.
In addition to the listings, Poet's Market offers articles on the Craft of Poetry, Business of Poetry, and Promotion of Poetry—not to mention new poems from contemporary poets. Learn how to navigate the social media landscape, submit your poems for publication, write various poetic forms, give a perfect reading, and more.
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"My grandmother bought my first Poet's Market when I was in college. I had just taken my first college creative writing class. Now, nearly 20 years later, as a writer who has had books published and as an editor of a 10-year-old magazine, Poet's Market is still an invaluable tool. Every poet and poetry student needs a copy on his or her bookshelf." —Shaindel Beers, author of A Brief History of Time and The Children's War and Other Poems, and Poetry Editor of Contrary